Contact Information

Friedensstrasse 11
Frankfurt am Main 60311
telefon: 069 25 60 08-0
web sitesi:

Sabine Kunert

telefon: 069 25 60 08 26

Basic Info

Gesamtverbandes Kommunikationsagenturen GWA

Friedensstrasse 11
Frankfurt am Main 60311
telefon: 069 25 60 08-0
web sitesi:

Sabine Kunert

telefon: 069 25 60 08 26

About Gesamtverbandes Kommunikationsagenturen GWA

EFFIE is recognized by agencies and advertisers as the pre-eminent award in the advertising industry. It is the only national award that honors creative achievement in meeting and exceeding advertising objectives. In short, it focuses on effective advertising, advertising that works in the marketplace.
EFFIE rewards a communication program that gives results. That's why the entrants have to explain the problem, their strategy and have to demonstrate their results. Effie in Germany has also a Social Effie contest