
London, United Kingdom

Contact Information

4th Floor 191 Wardour Street
London W1F 8ZE
telefon: 0207 734 3485
web sitesi:

Jeremy Yates

telefon: 0207 734 3485

Basic Info


4th Floor 191 Wardour Street
London W1F 8ZE
telefon: 0207 734 3485
web sitesi:

Jeremy Yates

telefon: 0207 734 3485

About CueSongs

CueSongs is a new technology to source commercial music, offering the biggest catalogue of pre-cleared of commercial music in Europe. The website can handle the entire process from helping you select the right track for your campaign, to instantly licensing it at the click of a button. Cue has deals in place with over 100 rights-holders, including the 5 major publishers, and offers clients a comprehensive choice of music from both established and exciting new artists for their digital productions. Cue aims to save clients time, keep production budgets down and enable them to make high impact films that don't compromise on the music.
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