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Lydia Russell

Lydia Russell

Basic Info

Bulunan yer: 2003

Bulunan yer: 2003

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Th1ng Corp Ltd 199 Wardour Street
London W1F 8JP
telefon: 020 7439 7966
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Lydia Russell

Lydia Russell

Cowboy Ben Continues Festival Winning Streak


Cowboy Ben, the short film directed by th2ng's Scott & Jon, has continued its winning streak on the festival circuit.

Crystal Palace International Film Festival - self referential to the title of 'UK and London's coolest film festival' - named Cowboy Ben Best Short Film 2014 to beat off competition from over twenty shortlisted films.

The festival awards show was held this year in the beautiful St. John's church, SE19 (shown in the top left image) to cap a year of very high standard of work. Judges included comedians Johnny Vegas and Mark Steel, as well as BAFTA-winning writer Brian Dooley and several other top industry leaders.

Congratulations once again to you both. Lets keep the awards coming.