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New App ‘Dank’ Makes Memes into Money for Advertisers

Simian launches new app aimed at curating the best upcoming and trending digital content for creatives

Today, Jay Brooks and Brian Atton, founders of media-sharing solution, Simian, and Michael Chiavetta, co-founder of content consultancy, KIMBA, officially announce the launch of their unique content app, Dank. The app, inspired by the name of online viral media called ‘Dank Memes’, has been developed to curate and define the best online content before it trends.

With brands continuing to seek out novel and engaging ways to communicate with their consumers, more marketing campaigns are aligning with themes which are trending online. However, it’s no mean feat predicting what will influence consumer opinion next.

Michael Chiavetta comments: “There’s just so much content out there that it’s difficult for advertisers to know where to start or what to use. More and more brands are using short online video content on a daily basis. The key to creating engaging content is speed and relevancy but the sheer volume of content we are experiencing can make it hard to know what route to take.”

Identifying the need for a tool that can sort this content, Jay, Michael and Brian developed a unique curation algorithm for Dank. By scouring the internet and measuring a vast number of factors, the app seeks to present not only the best content but acknowledge the creator and original publisher of the material.

“I don’t think any other platform seeks to credit the talent behind the films, the makers and the engagement statistics,” says Michael. “More people need credit for the content that goes out there, beyond just the post itself.”

Currently, the content on Dank is sorted into 11 categories, including the likes of ‘Cute AF’ to ‘HahaOMG’ and ‘Dankest Ads’. Not aimed solely at advertisers, the app curates content that would appeal to anyone.

“We’ve seen stuff added to Dank go viral one, two, three days after we posted it. It’s about knowing what the early signals are,” explains Michael. “The app is not only for entertaining consumers but revealing the priceless early identifiers to creatives, planners and strategists alike, so they can pinpoint what’s going to work in the market.”

Brian and Jay have developed this new project to complement their media-sharing platform, Simian. “We’re more than just a review and approval media-sharing platform,” comments Brian. “We’re partners for our friends in creative industries. We want to be a resource as opposed to a singular tool.”

The app is currently a minimum viable product intended to get consumers and audiences to engage with the content and provide learning for a more advanced platform that will launch in Spring 2017. “The app is really a soft launch for a larger and more comprehensive platform that will measure and curate content. We can’t say too much yet but what we can say is we hope to provide creatives with the data they need to make informed decisions on creating new content and measuring output. We’re making the data easy to use and helping to break down the silos which ultimately slow down the creation of content,” concludes Brian.

The platform is available on Roku, AppleTV, iOS & Android:


Apple (iOS & AppleTV):
