2023 PHNX Awards Award Winners

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Four Paws
Bronze Campaign
Ogilvy Health, New York
2023 PHNX Awards - Bronze Campaign - Print craft
PRINT: Print craft

Hank the Beagle

HAFTANıN: Ogilvy Health
MARKA: Four Paws
KATEGORI: Print craft
ÖDüL: Bronze Campaign
REKLAMCı: Four Paws

2023 PHNX Awards - Bronze Campaign - Creativity for peace
GOOD CAUSES: Creativity for peace

Althea the Labrador

HAFTANıN: Ogilvy Health
MARKA: Four Paws
KATEGORI: Creativity for peace
ÖDüL: Bronze Campaign
REKLAMCı: Four Paws

2023 PHNX Awards - Bronze Campaign - Print craft
PRINT: Print craft

Althea the Labrador

HAFTANıN: Ogilvy Health
MARKA: Four Paws
KATEGORI: Print craft
ÖDüL: Bronze Campaign
REKLAMCı: Four Paws

2023 PHNX Awards - Bronze Campaign - Creativity for peace
GOOD CAUSES: Creativity for peace

Lizzy the German Shepherd

HAFTANıN: Ogilvy Health
MARKA: Four Paws
KATEGORI: Creativity for peace
ÖDüL: Bronze Campaign
REKLAMCı: Four Paws

2023 PHNX Awards - Bronze Campaign - Press
PRINT: Press

Althea the Labrador

HAFTANıN: Ogilvy Health
MARKA: Four Paws
ÖDüL: Bronze Campaign
REKLAMCı: Four Paws

2023 PHNX Awards - Bronze Campaign - Print craft
PRINT: Print craft

Lizzy the German Shepherd

HAFTANıN: Ogilvy Health
MARKA: Four Paws
KATEGORI: Print craft
ÖDüL: Bronze Campaign
REKLAMCı: Four Paws

2023 PHNX Awards - Bronze Campaign - Press
PRINT: Press

Lizzy the German Shepherd

HAFTANıN: Ogilvy Health
MARKA: Four Paws
ÖDüL: Bronze Campaign
REKLAMCı: Four Paws

2023 PHNX Awards - Bronze Campaign - Creativity for peace
GOOD CAUSES: Creativity for peace

Hank the Beagle

HAFTANıN: Ogilvy Health
MARKA: Four Paws
KATEGORI: Creativity for peace
ÖDüL: Bronze Campaign
REKLAMCı: Four Paws

2023 PHNX Awards - Bronze Campaign - Press
PRINT: Press

Hank the Beagle

HAFTANıN: Ogilvy Health
MARKA: Four Paws
ÖDüL: Bronze Campaign
REKLAMCı: Four Paws

2023 PHNX Awards - Bronze Campaign - Print craft
PRINT: Print craft

Pets of War Case

HAFTANıN: Ogilvy Health
MARKA: Four Paws
KATEGORI: Print craft
ÖDüL: Bronze Campaign
REKLAMCı: Four Paws

2023 PHNX Awards - Bronze Campaign - Press
PRINT: Press

Pets of War Case

HAFTANıN: Ogilvy Health
MARKA: Four Paws
ÖDüL: Bronze Campaign
REKLAMCı: Four Paws

2023 PHNX Awards - Bronze Campaign - Press
PRINT: Press

Pets of War Board

HAFTANıN: Ogilvy Health
MARKA: Four Paws
ÖDüL: Bronze Campaign
REKLAMCı: Four Paws

2023 PHNX Awards - Bronze Campaign - Creativity for peace
GOOD CAUSES: Creativity for peace

Pets of War Case

HAFTANıN: Ogilvy Health
MARKA: Four Paws
KATEGORI: Creativity for peace
ÖDüL: Bronze Campaign
REKLAMCı: Four Paws

2023 PHNX Awards - Bronze Campaign - Print craft
PRINT: Print craft

Pets of War Board

HAFTANıN: Ogilvy Health
MARKA: Four Paws
KATEGORI: Print craft
ÖDüL: Bronze Campaign
REKLAMCı: Four Paws

2023 PHNX Awards - Bronze Campaign - Creativity for peace
GOOD CAUSES: Creativity for peace

Pets of War Board

HAFTANıN: Ogilvy Health
MARKA: Four Paws
KATEGORI: Creativity for peace
ÖDüL: Bronze Campaign
REKLAMCı: Four Paws